Anthony Mascaro and Tori Aronica exchanged vows on August 2, overlooking the beautiful Niagara River on Grand Island, New York. The day was centered around their family & closest friends, as they chose to be surrounded by an intimate group of those who love and support them most! Tori’s stunning Justin Alexander gown may have […]
Ross & Kaylee Miles celebrated their beautiful summer wedding at The Annex WNY with all the most intricate, intentional details one could imagine! Handwritten notes for each of their guests, their golden retriever pups present as flower girls, and handmade, DIY’d signage everywhere you turned. The love that was poured into this day was the […]
Charles & Maddie Mosey celebrated their bright & colorful summer wedding during potentially the hottest week of the summer in Buffalo! They were married at the beautiful Saint Louis Roman Catholic Church and followed up their celebration at The Westin downtown. Not even a 90 degree day could steal an ounce of our joy! To […]