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hello, sweet friend!


I'm Hannah B, wedding & portrait photographer based in Western New York State. I'm a lover of intricate details and story telling- both visually & through writing. Here you will find glimpses of my life as a photographer, wife, mama, dog-lover & Chick fil-A obsessed creative!

For Photographers

the blog

For Brides

Expenses, income, mileage & more- the program that will change your business

Raise your hand if you literally despise keeping track of your books. [Full Disclosure: BOTH of my hands are goin’ up for this one] As an artist, there is nothing I despise more than being stuck behind a computer, updating spreadsheets and filing paperwork. The word “accounting” sends a chill up my spine and takes me back […]

March 31, 2017

For Photographers, Photographer Friend Thursday

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[Uninhibited Branding] Defining & Embracing the true you

This week, I added a new fun fact to my “Meet Hannah” page online. It’s something only those incredibly close to me know, and if we are being honest, it really accurately portrays who I am down to the core. [Uninhibited, effervescent and maybe even a little silly] When I launched my new website at […]

March 9, 2017

For Photographers, Personal, Photographer Friend Thursday

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I am not everyone’s photographer.

I know what you’re thinking: “Did she really just say that? Does she even want to attract clients? Is she totally off her rocker?” The answer is yes…to all of those questions, actually. You read my post title correctly and I am a little on the crazy side. This is the first, of hopefully many, […]

February 23, 2017

For Photographers, Personal, Photographer Friend Thursday

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