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hello, sweet friend!


I'm Hannah B, wedding & portrait photographer based in Western New York State. I'm a lover of intricate details and story telling- both visually & through writing. Here you will find glimpses of my life as a photographer, wife, mama, dog-lover & Chick fil-A obsessed creative!

For Photographers

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For Brides

WNY Chilly Late Fall Mini Sessions in Small Town Clymer, New York

After an outrageously busy fall portrait and wedding photography season, I was so torn on whether or not I could juggle hosting my final mini sessions of the year. Typically, November’s minis are some of my most-booked sessions and cater to all the sweet families who want to sneak in photos just in time for […]

November 28, 2023

Families, Mini Sessions

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Four Autumns Later: A WNY Couples Session in Clymer NY

My love story with Luke and Mikaela began four autumns ago in 2019, when they were just a couple of newly-engaged, giddy 20-somethings with their whole lives ahead of them! I don’t know if I can recall a more enthusiastic inquiry than Mikaela’s first message to me. She gushed about how she and Luke, along […]

November 11, 2023

Mini Sessions, Portraits

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Mama & Me Mother’s Day Mini Sessions- Frontier Park, Erie PA!

Friends- I am SO excited to be announcing the very first Mini Sessions of 2020!! In the past, I’ve always waited until summer to hold minis, but this year I decided to start even earlier! As you will see in the graphic above, these sessions will take place at Frontier Park in Erie, PA! (I’m […]

March 17, 2020

Mini Sessions, Portraits

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The Hannah Bryerton 2019 WNY Mini Session Calendar

Every spring, I release my mini session calendar for Western New York and y’all…. it is FINALLY here!!! It always takes some strategic planning between my travel schedule and shooting weddings on the weekends during busy season, so I appreciate everyone’s patience over the last few weeks as I’ve planned these sessions! Without further ado, […]

May 13, 2019

Mini Sessions, Portraits

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IT’S FINALLY HERE- The long awaited 2018 Mini Session Calendar!

It’s finally here!!! Each spring, I release my mini session calendar highlighting ALL the dates I’ll be holding sessions to my Early Bird Email List! If you’re on it, you’ve already seen this and, hopefully, booked your date! This year spots are even MORE limited!! I’m super close to selling out of summer sessions, already, […]

May 11, 2018

Families, Mini Sessions, Portraits

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